Like almost everyone, I’ve always considered myself to be reasonably intelligent, and I have a great long term memory. Friends marvel about my ability to recall specific details of events long ago, and trivial items seem to stick around in my head forever. Why then is it so difficult to remember deadlines, appointments, and future obligations?
I once saw a Sherlock Holmes movie in which our man Sherlock explained to Watson that most people treat their brains like ever expanding rubber attics with unlimited capacity. Holmes stated that he made a conscience effort to forget things as quickly as possible so as to keep his brain functioning as efficiently as possible. This sounded like a splendid plan, so I tried it but to no avail. I also found it difficult to explain that I forgot an anniversary because I was trying to maximize my brain’s potential.
For people like me, the advent of the smart phone is a god send. It allows users to create lists, make appointments, and receive reminders. Also, smart phones can store a ton of documents. (Did I mention that I’m pretty good at misplacing things, too?) When you couple the convenience and portability of a smart phone with the versatility of Google calendars, you really have something.
The combination still doesn’t let you know when to get your car services, though. In 1979, Jiffy Lube introduced the “window cling oil change reminder sticker.” This was the state of the art system for reminding people when to change their engine oil. The only notable improvement to the static cling window sticker was the introduction of “idiot lights” that let people know when to have their oil changed. (Granted the technology of the various “idiot lights” has improved over time. Many are now base on algorithms.) The problem with the algorithms is that they do not take into account the quality of oil used. For example, if you use synthetic oils in hopes of improving your engine protection and extending your change intervals, you will probably be out of luck. Further, neither stickers nor idiot lights will give you an accurate idea of when you are likely to become due for an oil change.
Fortunately, with our new Vehicle Maintenance Charts, Sant Automotive has revolutionized everything. We create both time and service based maintenance recommendations that tell you when particular services will be due based on your actual driving habits. What’s more, if you want reminders to change your oil every 1,700 miles because that’s what your grandfather suggested, we can do it. All of the recommendations can be customized. Check out an example of our Vehicle Maintenance Chart by clicking the link.
“That is amazing! ...and you mean that I can schedule the date of each of the services into my phone so that I never get behind on my maintenance,” you ask? Thanks for asking. Yes. The best part is these charts are free. Vehicle Maintenance Charts are reason #83 why Sant Automotive is the best repair shop in St. Louis. Check back often, and we’ll tell you the other reasons.
For more information, check our website.