Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flushing Power Steering
Flushing a vehicle’s power steering system is something that was virtually unheard of a decade ago, but the practice is common place today. Most well equipped automotive shops have the equipment to flush these systems. Two relatively new developments in power steering systems are four wheel steering and variable assist steering. The former is a system in which all four wheels move laterally either in the same direction at high speeds or in opposite directions at lower speeds. This allows for tighter turning in parking lots and better handing on the highway. Variable assist steering uses valves to change the amount of effort required to move the wheels a set distance. At low speeds, wheels will turn more than they will at greater speeds with the same amount of force applied to the steering wheel. The presence of valves in each of the systems increases the urgency of servicing the systems; however, the primary reason for service remains the same.

Power steering systems work under extremely high pressure. Many systems operate at up to 1500 pounds per square inch, enough to pull a one ton truck out of quick sand. As the high pressure hoses and metal parts wear, small metal filings and pieces of rubber become suspended in the hydraulic power steering fluid and are circulated through the system under extreme pressure. Like thousands of tiny razor blades, this insidious debris will, without mercy or remorse, seek out and destroy expensive power steering components. To get even with these nasty infiltrators, we pump them out of power steering systems, feed them into our blast furnace, and replace the evil villains with fresh fluid that is as clean and pure as the driven snow. Aside from oil changes, transmission service, brake service, timing & drive belt replacement, expert advice, and maybe tire rotation and balance, power steering service is one of the most valuable services that we offer.

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