Sant Automotive News Vol VII, Issue no. 1
”May the peace and prosperity that we had wished for ourselves during the past year be bestowed upon each and every one of you during the new year.”
Welcome to Volume VII, Issue No. 1, our first and perhaps best newsletter of 2005. Of course, it will be our best, to date, of the new year. What we’re concerned about here is the natural degradation of newsletter quality that has been known to happen in previous years, especially after the sad passing of Abe Spangler, “Gator Wrangler”. In any event, in this exciting edition we will touch on a little news, hit on some automotive news and on what‘s going on here at World Headquarters, discuss the mind numbing world of the Missouri Department of Revenue, and then rap things up with Greg’s most personal hopes and dreams for the new year. If space permits, we may even blow the cover off of the sordid underbelly of the world of automotive care and maintenance. Let’s get to it, but first, some news.
America’s Railroads and You
Webster Groves area motorists who cross either the Burlington Northern or Union Pacific Railroad tracks on a regular basis should be prepared for delays. Dates of work have not bee announced; however, Union Pacific will be replacing its rails, and Burlington Northern will be replacing ties later this year. If both railroads start work at the same time and you live in between the two lines, you may want to lay in some extra groceries.
It’s Never Too Late
Many discerning shoppers took advantage of our lifetime oil change offer. For a mere $167.95, they gave the gift that keeps on giving, a lifetime of automotive lubrication. Others gave jewelry, gift certificates, and other gifts that made them look cheap and insensitive. If you fell into the latter category, remember that there is plenty of time to rebound. Give us a call at 849-2900.
Many of our suppliers run specials throughout the year. For example, Castrol ran a $5 mail in rebate on oil changes between October 1 and December 31, 2004. Monroe usually offers a promotion or two on shocks and struts throughout the year, and several of our tire suppliers also run promotions. A problem that we encounter is that suppliers fear that any specials that they run will impact sales of their products prior to the promotion period, so they do not announce promotions in advance. If the onset of a promotion does not jibe with our newsletter production schedule (quit laughing), often our customers are unaware of the special and can not take advantage of them. If you would like to receive notification of any upcoming specials, or if you would like to see if you still qualify for rebates on past purchases, send us an e-mail at, and we will put you on our e-mail list. Sant Automotive does not share customer information.
Black Gold, Texas Tea
One recent development in the automotive industry is the change in lubrication specifications for many vehicles. Some time ago, more vehicles operated with heavier weight motor oils, 10w40 was the norm. More recently, 10w30 became popular along with 5w30. Some vehicles, especially newer Fords and some imports, require 5w20 or even 0w20 motor oils. “Why the change,” you ask? Well, thanks for asking. Engines are now being manufactured with a greater degree of precision. Pointed headed engineers, some smarter than KMOX’s own Greg Damon-host of the KMOX Auto Show (heard most Saturday afternoons at 1120 on your AM dial), decided that it was a good idea. It’s probably some sort of math or friction coefficient deal, but what the hell do I know? Anyway, if a specific viscosity of oil is recommended by an entire gaggle of slide rule toting pencil heads, it is probably a good idea to go along with the recommendation. To facilitate this, Sant Automotive now stocks an even larger slew of motor oils, transmission fluids, and the like.
Another interesting development has been brought about by the credit card industry. Effective January 1, 2005, credited card terminals must be capable of truncating account numbers, and pin pads must be “duck putted” to insure security. At Sant Automotive, we have the truncation thing covered; however, if anyone knows any good duck putting tips or has a friend in the duck putting business, please have them give us a call. Again, 849-2900.
IDOD, the Missouri Department of Revenue and You
An exclusive Sant Automotive News investigation has determined that any vehicle can be gifted once (e.g. title transferred without incurring sales tax.) If the vehicle is “on year” (i.e. an even modeled year vehicle and you are transferring title in an even year), two year registrations are available provided that both safety and emissions are submitted. For “off year” vehicles, safety and emissions inspections must be submitted at each of the first two registrations, and two year registrations are available thereafter. The fee for a two year registration (including the processing fee) is double that of the fee charged for a one year registration. The paper work involved seems to be about the same either way. This appears to be some sort of profit deal. If a vehicle registered out of state is brought into Missouri and it is “on year”, safety and emissions inspections are required. “Off year” vehicles brought into the state need not be inspected; an IDOD is substituted. An IDOD entails having a licensed inspector verify the vehicle’s identification number and odometer reading. The fee for an IDOD is the same as that for a safety inspection, but the inspector does not have to check any safety devices on the vehicle. A benefit to the shop performing the IDOD is that they do not have to provide an inspection sticker. These cost $1.50 each and are purchased from the Department of Revenue. Plates can be renewed on line but initial registrations must be made in person; however, emission exempt vehicles (with the possible exception of diesels) must be registered in person unless the applicant is willing to also submit an emissions inspection. Any questions?
Greg’s Wishes for the New Year: sorry, out of space. These will have to wait)
Sant Automotive is the premier source for quality tire brands including Michelin, Uniroyal, Goodyear, BF Goodrich, Toyo and many others. Visit our website at